Monday, 2 March 2015

The Game: The Illusion and Reality of Freedom

A good friend of mine compares the average working man to a player in a game - The game.
You work hard to gain a good credit rating. You use your credit rating to buy your station in life which will become your operating level in The Game. There are lanes and lines in The Game, lines you cross at your own peril.
We all play The Game, because we were born into it. It is forced upon you and with each throw of the dice you move up or down, left or right, backward or forward. You find a few like-minded people, form a clan or a team and under the illusion of freedom you commit yourself body and soul to The Game.
You try to win The Game!
According to my friend - there can never be a winner. It is against the rules of The Game. To a be successful player you must realise that you are here to play and be played. You need to last. Do not play to end the game because you could find yourself entangled in someone else's game strategies and you will become just another pawn to be moved to another square.
And all players in The Game hunger for freedom,
Freedom from what, you might ask.
We all create our own versions of freedom. I have seen those who crave for more "credit value" so that they can buy more, in doing so they owe more and are actually less free but feeding the deep hunger for something more creates the illusion of  being set free from yesterdays' yearning.
You are free to play The Game, you are free to enjoy playing the game and you are even free to complain about the game.
But you are never free to leave The Game.
The Game is not your friend, it is your master. It dictates your birthplace, it wills your burial place, it places a handicap on you. It creates the rules.
The Game is not life. We cannot truly live while caught up in The Game.
We need to rebel, we need to fight to break free. The battle rages in our minds it is here where we need to overcome The Game.
True freedom cannot be found in The Game. Only apart from the Game.
I call myself an Libertarian, I do so because I also have a dream. A dream to be free from The Game.
I call myself a free man because I alone dictates my future by the choices I make. I am a free man because I can take responsibility for those choices - it is never forced on me be the rules of The Game.
I am free.
I am a Libertarian

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