Thursday, 9 April 2015

When Clouds of war start to drift closer

It is a surreal experience to watch the development of a Civil war.
There is a primal drumbeat rising from the depth of your being. One part of your psyche is in complete denial and try it's damnedest to cling to anything that represent a "normal" situation. The other part of your psyche is preparing to kill and defend, but who is or will be the enemy? What will you defend?
The lines are not yet drawn in the sand of time.
South Africa is changing.....again. The glue Nelson Mandela applied to the fibres of the 1994 democracy has come undone. Under the chieftainship of Jacob "Dingaan" Zuma South Africa is sinking into the black abyss of precolonial bliss!
I read a book once, I think the author was Credo Mutwa ( I might be wrong, though), in the book the author states that democracy is and forever will be a foreign concept to the African heart and mind - You must follow and obey your leader, it is irrelevant if he is a good or bad individual, All that counts is the tribe or cultural society, the unit must stay intact.
The chilling part is this: If you do not belong to my group, tribe, culture then you are my enemy. Not my opposition but my enemy - we are technically at war!
By his verbal and non-verbal declarations Mr Zuma is slowly and deliberately forging a mindset along these lines.
The Western mindset and worldview of the average white South African will try to find some logical or debatable premise  from where some kind of understanding might by found. Like the old Voortrekker leader Piet Retief, I might add. The final answer given to him and his people was a spear in the chest.
For all practical purposes we are already at war, the revolution has began. The criminally inclined jumped the gun and are the focal point in this early stages. But not all killings, murders and attacks are pure criminal acts. There is a deep hatred in the way these brutal attacks are executed. It is the acts of war... the destroying of an enemy and the installing of fear.
Ordinary citizens will sooner or later start to defend themselves with extreme prejudice and will become the criminals in the eyes of the law.
There is no use in denying the underlying racism in South Africa.  It is there, it is alive and it is boiling hot! There is no "Rainbow nation" There never was.
Something new must be forged.
Maybe the clouds of war will pass us by, maybe.
Maybe a man will come, like the old saying goes: cometh the hour, cometh the man!

I think it was Thomas Jefferson that has said: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.